Thursday, May 25, 2006

Bikers and Dogs

One way that I get my exercise is to ride bike. I currently own a DeVinci Road bike, and I'm getting a new cannondale road bike in the next couple of weeks. I put a lot of miles on the local roads around my home town, and one common theme is the number of dogs that are allowed to run loose in the country. Many of the dogs stay in their yards and ignore me, however there are many that don't. What I think the owners fail to recognize is that when they let their dogs roam like they do, they put their lives in danger. On at least 2 occasions in the last year I was riding down the road, and came upon a house that the dog wasn't tied up. When the dog saw me it immediately started to chase me - which I know is instinct. However once the dog focuses on me it fails to notice the cars that may be on the road. On both of the occasions, one dog came close to getting run over by an oncoming car, and the other was clipped but survived. The owners of these dogs put not only their dogs lives at risk, but mine as well.
I don't get it - I'm a dog owner and I realize what dogs do. Are these dog owners looking for a lawsuit. What if a dog was able to catch up to me and forced me off the road and I crashed? Aren't they afraid of a lawsuit? Apparently not. Also, what if a dog darts in front of a car near me, and the car swerves to miss the dog, and it runs off the road, or worse runs into me? Are other bikers having the same issue on a frequent basis? What do other states do? (I'm in NY).

Somehow awareness needs to be brought to the forefront so both the dogs and the road bikers are safe.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Star Wars - Words of Wisdom?

I'm sure that many people have posted the same idea or theme in the past, but I have always been amazed at the words of wisdom or inpirational words that are prevalent throughout the entire Star Wars story. I have three that have become my "mantra" so to speak. These three quotes help define who I am and guide me. Whether they were at one point in the bible, or other religious text is irrelevant - their message is clear.

The first one is: "No, Try not, do or do not, there is not try - Yoda". From the Empire Strikes Back, 1980.
This particular quote even though it is in "Yoda-speak" carries a great message. To many times in our lives we tend to want to take the easy way out. To make excuses for our own failures, or to put blame on others. I see to many people only do things 1/2 way (or as my Dad would say - Half-assed), and then expect better results. The basic message is: You either do something, or you don't - there is nothing else.

The second one is: "Stay on Target" - I think this was said by Red Leader during the final battle at the Death Star in the first Star Wars. Once again, it is so easy in today's world to get distracted, and try to multi-task to much. When you do this, everything suffers. If you are working on something it is best to stay focused and put 100% of your resources on that task while you are doing it.

The third one is: "Until the possible becomes actual, it is only a distraction" - Qui-Qon Jin. I think I have a theme with these going - once again, good words to live by. By focusing to much on what "could" happen, we lose track of the present. Worry is a killer of effort, and causes way to much stress in our lives. Live for the moment, but be prepared for the future.